A parodical documentary on this part of Malaysian culture: eating at restaurants known as 'mamak' stalls. |
21 July, 2006
Mamak: A Malaysian Culture
17 July, 2006
Siti Nurhaliza - Memasak 2
Siti Nurhaliza is a famous Malaysian Singer. Recently, she have made a really big and happening press conference .. Just to announce her marriage with " Dato' K ". Most of Siti Nurhaliza's fan were upset even if they didnt say so. To me, to me its her decision to choose who she wants to become a husband. I mean, this is ridiculous!! why people are so over reacting with someone else's story.. This is all about hype..hoho.. here's a video of Siti Nurhaliza in a TV show .. showing her cooking skills.. after this, people will recognize Siti Nurhaliza as "Datin" Siti Nurhaliza :D Siti Nurhaliza sedang memasak |
14 July, 2006
Pirates of the CAR-ibbean: The Curse of the Green LeSabre

Have You watch the "pirates of carribean 2" movie? Well I did. the pirates of carribean is a worth movie to watch and it was great. the movie was adventurous and funny at the same time, makes me laugh from the beginning.![]() While there are many pirates of carribean 2 trailers out there, I found a different video about the pirates of carribean 2. Well, its not exactly the pirates of carribean , but it was an amateur video that has a title of "Pirates of the CAR-ibbean: The Curse of the Green LeSabre" Its a cool video I hope You like it. Well, the video is about a young man lost in the middle of nowhere has his car commandeered by the legendary Pirates of the Green LeSabre. Enjoy! :) |
13 July, 2006
Photoshop Tutorial Video. Search and learn!!
Hello there. I have been ask many times from my friends about how to make the a photographs into a sketch using photoshop. Actually there are alot of tutorials on the internet about the topic. But they still keep coming back with the same questions. Then I found this video about Fight Club Stencil make using Photoshop CS2. Watch the video and learn! and if you want to learn more, searh it on the internet. There are alot of tutorials .. |
Improve Your Lifestyle Take Unsecured Home Improvement Loans
I thought it would be usefull to blog about tips on renovating homes and how to get the loans for renovating our home. here's an article about the topic:
Your home defines your personality, your status, your lifestyle and tells a lot about your family. So it must be taken care of how it looks? How well managed it is? And how comfortable it is? Reading all this, you must be wondering about making your home a comfortable place to live. But the next big questions which come to your mind is……how to arrange all the finance required for this? Loans could be a good option for you but who wants to put their property at stake. So you can apply for an unsecured home improvement loan for changing your existing home into a dream house.Read more ..
10 July, 2006
What Rhythm & Hues Do To Marlon Brando for Superman Returns
Here's a great video of recreating Marlon Brando in the Superman return film. Marlon is Jor El in all superman movie. The scene was short but the development is very detailed. enjoy the video :) What Rhythm & Hues Do To Marlon Brando for Superman Returns. Original: http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=23646 |
Superman Returns XBOX 360 Teaser Trailer
Superman Returns XBOX 360 Teaser Trailer. I dont have an XBOX to play the game.. :( |
28 June, 2006
26 June, 2006
25 June, 2006
24 May, 2006
Superman Returns on 30th June ! !

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I am so excited! The new Superman Movie, "SUPERMAN RETURNS" is coming soon on 30th of June. I've read that the directtor, Brian Singer is also excite for the release. The movie is gonna be in IMAX 3D too. there will be 20 minutes of the movie that will be in 3D and bring the Great experience of Superman Returns..
11 March, 2006
Para-Para Video

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This video was taken during the training for a Taekwondo Demonstration. My Team and decided to make the demonstration more towards aerobic style, however it was transformed into a Para-Para Dance!! :P. What a story. So I've edited the videos and make it into a remix. ENjoy the video :)
12 February, 2006
The Dog Report. Episode 2 :: Dogs Chasing Girls

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Hai. Thank you for viewing this video. In this Episode of the "Dog Report", The wild dogs in front of my house are barking and chasing 2 girls. The girls were just taking a walk in the area. The girls also accidently left their sanldles as they were so frightened.
Remi's Video Blog -- I've experiencing several problems
Hai, I personally thank YOU (yeah, you) for visiting my videoblog. this week I got problem posting a video because for some reason blogger blocked me from posting. But If I can post this one, so I guess the problem is fixed :).
Again I want to thank You for viusiting this video blog, video website or what ever you want to call it. I'll be posting new videos in the near future so be sure to come back !!
Its better for you to sign up with my feed (look at the top right of this blog). an you'll be notify whenever I post new videos!
Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks for visiting!! :)
Again I want to thank You for viusiting this video blog, video website or what ever you want to call it. I'll be posting new videos in the near future so be sure to come back !!
Its better for you to sign up with my feed (look at the top right of this blog). an you'll be notify whenever I post new videos!
Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks for visiting!! :)
04 February, 2006
Sony to Buy Software Unit of Sonic Foundry Including Vegas Video
Hai, just want to share with you about my video editing life. I bought Sonic Foundry Vegas somewhere in 2002 and has been using it for editing my videos since then. Funny I did not search any tips or info about the software in the internet. Then in 2006(a few minutes before posting this post) I tried search about the software as a few of my members ask me about it and tried to ask where to buy it. and then I found this article on the net :
Sony to Buy Software Unit of Sonic Foundry Including Vegas Video - News, Guides and Tips - Consumer Camcorders - Camcorderinfo.com: "Sony to Buy Software Unit of Sonic Foundry Including Vegas Video
by News Editor
Published on May 04, 2003
Sony corporation has announced a deal with Sonic Foundry to buy their software development unit and all it's assets for $18 million.
Sonic Foundry produces Sonic Foundry's Acid, Sound Forge and Vegas Video series of products, as well as other related assets. Sony says that the software unit will remain in Madison, Wisconsin.
Sony recently released Sony Pictures Digital's Screenblast Movie Studio and Screenblast Music Studio video and music-mixing applications. The applications were produced in cooperation with Sonic Foundry and Sonic Foundry's processing was the backend for the applications. "
So thats why I couldn't find any sonic foundry products last year. Now its "Sony's" Product. Maybe I'll try to find the latest version and try it out :)
Anyways, I would like to take a space in this post to tahnk UTP alumni for inviting me to the charity Dinner. It was great. Here's myself at permata as a photographer :P :
Sony to Buy Software Unit of Sonic Foundry Including Vegas Video - News, Guides and Tips - Consumer Camcorders - Camcorderinfo.com: "Sony to Buy Software Unit of Sonic Foundry Including Vegas Video
by News Editor
Published on May 04, 2003
Sony corporation has announced a deal with Sonic Foundry to buy their software development unit and all it's assets for $18 million.
Sonic Foundry produces Sonic Foundry's Acid, Sound Forge and Vegas Video series of products, as well as other related assets. Sony says that the software unit will remain in Madison, Wisconsin.
Sony recently released Sony Pictures Digital's Screenblast Movie Studio and Screenblast Music Studio video and music-mixing applications. The applications were produced in cooperation with Sonic Foundry and Sonic Foundry's processing was the backend for the applications. "
So thats why I couldn't find any sonic foundry products last year. Now its "Sony's" Product. Maybe I'll try to find the latest version and try it out :)
Anyways, I would like to take a space in this post to tahnk UTP alumni for inviting me to the charity Dinner. It was great. Here's myself at permata as a photographer :P :

03 February, 2006
UTP alumni Charity Dinner Montage (The Credit Rolls)

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After the main montage, there will be another video just to show credits to all sponsors who has contribute to make the Charity Dinner a success. This is a short video featuring the song "what a wonderful world". Enjoy the video :)
By the way, have you bookmark this page yet? If not, please do so and please tell everyone you know to visit this blog :) You can always sign up for my feed so that you will be notified if I post any new videos. There are a list of cool vids on the way!! so be sure to :
1. Bookmark this page,
2. Tell your friends about this vlog ,and..
3. Sign up to my feed (look at the upper right corner of this vlog) so that you can be up to date with every new post.
its a small favor from me and its easy !! :)
you can also email me at mohd.raimi@gmail.com
Any comments would be appreciated.. Thanks
02 February, 2006
UTP alumni Charity Dinner Montage

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This video is in quicktime format so its easier to watch on the internet. This is the final video. The video will be presented at the Charity Dinner (4th February 2006). Enjoy the video and all comments are welcome :) Thanks
30 January, 2006
Awal Muharam
I want to wish all my friends and visitors(muslims) Slamat menyambut Awal Muharam. smoga sgala aktiviti yang dikerjakan diberkati. :)
The Demo video for the Charity Dinner
Hello everyone and happy Chinese New Year to those who are celebrating it.
I went back home(Selangor) on saturday and the bus station at medan gopeng was full with people who also wants to go to their hometown. My bus was late, it uppose to arrive at medan gopeng bus station at 9am but but the bus arrived at 10.30am.

"Medan Gopeng" Bus Station

dats me waiting for my 9am bus.
I am back home with a faster internet connection and now I can upload the Charity Dinner Video taht I've promised to upload in the previous post. So here it is. Unfortunately, I can't manage to convert the video into the "mov" format. The laptop (my PC is at my campus in tronoh). So I just upload the video in "mpeg" format. If You can't watch it here, you can always rightclick at the link below and click on "save target as". This is to download the video first and then watch it in your PC/laptop.

Rightclick here and click at "save target as"to watch teh video
This is one of my montage for a charity dinner organised by UTP alumni to help the unfortunates. This is not the end product, but just a demo version for the UTP alumni to review ... this video is made not to gain profits but just another amateur video made by me..(under creative comments)
Please review the video if you have time and I will appreciate it :)
I went back home(Selangor) on saturday and the bus station at medan gopeng was full with people who also wants to go to their hometown. My bus was late, it uppose to arrive at medan gopeng bus station at 9am but but the bus arrived at 10.30am.

"Medan Gopeng" Bus Station

dats me waiting for my 9am bus.
I am back home with a faster internet connection and now I can upload the Charity Dinner Video taht I've promised to upload in the previous post. So here it is. Unfortunately, I can't manage to convert the video into the "mov" format. The laptop (my PC is at my campus in tronoh). So I just upload the video in "mpeg" format. If You can't watch it here, you can always rightclick at the link below and click on "save target as". This is to download the video first and then watch it in your PC/laptop.

Rightclick here and click at "save target as"to watch teh video
This is one of my montage for a charity dinner organised by UTP alumni to help the unfortunates. This is not the end product, but just a demo version for the UTP alumni to review ... this video is made not to gain profits but just another amateur video made by me..(under creative comments)
Please review the video if you have time and I will appreciate it :)
25 January, 2006
Charity Dinner video
Hello there...currently I've been assigned to do a short video for a charity dinner. The charity will be given to "Pondok Penyayang Ar-raudah".
Pondok Penyayang Raudah, a registered charitable trust was established in 1990 by Ustaz Mokhtaruddin with a primary objective of protecting and providing shelter to the unfortunate children.
This institution provides haven to the unwanted and most poverty stricken kids all over the country. It is also a shelter to many orphans and abandoned kids as well as accommodating the needy children who depend on the institution as a home and care provider.
I'll post the video when its ready. But maybe in a few weeks from now as I have trouble getting myself to be connected to the internet.
Pondok Penyayang Raudah, a registered charitable trust was established in 1990 by Ustaz Mokhtaruddin with a primary objective of protecting and providing shelter to the unfortunate children.
This institution provides haven to the unwanted and most poverty stricken kids all over the country. It is also a shelter to many orphans and abandoned kids as well as accommodating the needy children who depend on the institution as a home and care provider.
I'll post the video when its ready. But maybe in a few weeks from now as I have trouble getting myself to be connected to the internet.
22 January, 2006
Hmm.. I can't get my PC connected to the Internet for a while. I have to fill in several forms for using the network ports in my room. So I have to go to the computer labs to post this entry :).. This is one of the latest Batman series ::
Written by Matt Wagner; Art and cover by Wagner

The Dark Knight's first confrontation with super-villains is getting deadlier by the minute! A mad scientist has created a race of giant monster men to do his bidding. As they rampage through Gotham, a young Dark Knight is forced to learn that there are evils in the city far stranger than mobsters and street criminals. Batman comes face-to-face with the twisted Professor Hugo Strange as their conflict reaches a boiling point!
Written by Matt Wagner; Art and cover by Wagner

The Dark Knight's first confrontation with super-villains is getting deadlier by the minute! A mad scientist has created a race of giant monster men to do his bidding. As they rampage through Gotham, a young Dark Knight is forced to learn that there are evils in the city far stranger than mobsters and street criminals. Batman comes face-to-face with the twisted Professor Hugo Strange as their conflict reaches a boiling point!
19 January, 2006

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This is one of the new release by DC comics. Its the "DC UNIVERSE: THE STORIES OF ALAN MOORE"
Written by Alan Moore; Art by Jim Aparo, Jim Baikie, Brian Bolland, Paris Cullins, George Freeman, Dave Gibbons, Klaus Janson, Kevin O'Neill, Joe Orlando, George Pérez, Kurt Schaffenberger, Curt Swan, Rick Veitch, Al Williamson and Bill Willingham; Cover by Brian Bolland
Don't miss this exhaustive collection featuring the World's Greatest Super-Heroes as interpreted by one of the most acclaimed authors in comics! The work of Alan Moore (WATCHMEN, V FOR VENDETTA, THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN) in the DCU during the 1980s is considered a benchmark for great stories with fresh approaches to iconic characters. Collected in this volume are all of Moore's Superman and Batman stories, including the long out-of-print "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" as well as, for the first time in trade paperback, BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE (illustrated by Brian Bolland, who provides a new cover).
This volume — which no comics fan should be without — collects stories from ACTION COMICS #583, BATMAN ANNUAL #11, BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE, DC COMICS PRESENTS #85, DETECTIVE COMICS #549-550, GREEN LANTERN #188, THE OMEGA MEN #26-27, SECRET ORIGINS #10, SUPERMAN #423, TALES OF THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS ANNUAL #2 & 3, SUPERMAN ANNUAL #11 and VIGILANTE #17-18.
18 January, 2006
Brandon Routh as Superman

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Hi. I just want to share an Exclusive Video Interview: We Go Head to Head With The Man of Steel Himself Brandon Routh!
As you know, Superman Returns is going to hit the movies in July 2006. Enjoy the video. :)
17 January, 2006
Welcome to my Vlog (an Introduction Video)

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Hello There. Welcome to my video blog. This video is the intro video for this vlog and it suppose to be my first post!! :P
Anyways, Please ..tell your frends about this vlog, Tell everyone about this vlog. I have problems uploading my videos but that doesnt stop me fromnot posting anything. I will atleast post one video in a month :) There are 7 episodes of "The Dog Report". So make sure you come regularly to this site.
You can always sign up for my feeds. And Please Bookmark this page Now!! :)
Thank You
16 January, 2006
Flying High (Terbang Tinggi)

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Malaysia's Independence day is on 31st of August 1957 and we have been celebrating it since then. This video is a tribute to all of the Malaysian Leaders who has contributed in the independence day and developing the country.
The Dog Report (Laporan Anjing)

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This is a report on the dogs that lives in front of my house. They are wild dogs. But One of them Married my neighbour's dog!! So my neighbur could not do anything about it. These dogs has been chasing people who are in their territory aka my house. Watch this video to experience what I see everyday :)
14 January, 2006
Superman Returns
Superman Returns is going to hit the cinema this year!!
Superman Homepage: "Asked about the breadth of the endeavor, Singer shrugged. 'It has to be big, right? It's Superman.'
Routh, at certain moments, looks remarkably like Reeve, although the young man's features are thicker than the late actor's.
'Watching some of the footage, there was a spot where I turned my head and I looked just like him,' Routh said, sounding amazed. He most resembles Reeve in the guise of Clark Kent. 'It's nice, actually. It makes me proud.'"
Superman Homepage: "Asked about the breadth of the endeavor, Singer shrugged. 'It has to be big, right? It's Superman.'
Routh, at certain moments, looks remarkably like Reeve, although the young man's features are thicker than the late actor's.
'Watching some of the footage, there was a spot where I turned my head and I looked just like him,' Routh said, sounding amazed. He most resembles Reeve in the guise of Clark Kent. 'It's nice, actually. It makes me proud.'"

Better quality turtle a thon

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Basically, this is the same video that i've posted earlier. the difference is that the quality is better than the old one. This video is created for an event in my Univercity. It's called Turtle a thon. A Charity event where students will buy a rubber turtle to race. This video was viewed at the charity dinner held for the same event. Visit my blog at http://inforaimi.blogspot.com
One of my montage :: Turtle a thon
This is a montage that I have done for an event in Universiti Teknologi Petronas ( http://www.utp.edu.my )This video is created for an event in my Univercity. It's called Turtle a thon--A Charity event where students will buy a rubber turtle to race. This video was viewed at the charity dinner held for the same event.
Please click at the thumbnail to view the video.
Please click at the thumbnail to view the video.
My first post
Hello there,
My name is Raimi. I have been making my own amateur videos since 2002 when I first bought my video camera. It was a pencam that can rcord a video to be more specific. Since then I have found this new hobby on video editing. I am not saying that I am an expert or anything but what I can say about myself is that I have interest in it. However, back then, I don't even know how to blog in the internet. But now, I know that I can share my videos online in a vlog (video blog).
I will post most of my videos that i have done here and I will also blog along the way. Hope that you will like this vlog and come regularly. Please leave any comments as YOU can help me to improve this vlog.
My name is Raimi. I have been making my own amateur videos since 2002 when I first bought my video camera. It was a pencam that can rcord a video to be more specific. Since then I have found this new hobby on video editing. I am not saying that I am an expert or anything but what I can say about myself is that I have interest in it. However, back then, I don't even know how to blog in the internet. But now, I know that I can share my videos online in a vlog (video blog).
I will post most of my videos that i have done here and I will also blog along the way. Hope that you will like this vlog and come regularly. Please leave any comments as YOU can help me to improve this vlog.
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