14 January, 2006

Superman Returns

Superman Returns is going to hit the cinema this year!!

Superman Homepage: "Asked about the breadth of the endeavor, Singer shrugged. 'It has to be big, right? It's Superman.'
Routh, at certain moments, looks remarkably like Reeve, although the young man's features are thicker than the late actor's.
'Watching some of the footage, there was a spot where I turned my head and I looked just like him,' Routh said, sounding amazed. He most resembles Reeve in the guise of Clark Kent. 'It's nice, actually. It makes me proud.'"

Better quality turtle a thon

Watch the video

Basically, this is the same video that i've posted earlier. the difference is that the quality is better than the old one. This video is created for an event in my Univercity. It's called Turtle a thon. A Charity event where students will buy a rubber turtle to race. This video was viewed at the charity dinner held for the same event. Visit my blog at http://inforaimi.blogspot.com

One of my montage :: Turtle a thon

This is a montage that I have done for an event in Universiti Teknologi Petronas ( http://www.utp.edu.my )This video is created for an event in my Univercity. It's called Turtle a thon--A Charity event where students will buy a rubber turtle to race. This video was viewed at the charity dinner held for the same event.

Please click at the thumbnail to view the video.

My first post

Hello there,

My name is Raimi. I have been making my own amateur videos since 2002 when I first bought my video camera. It was a pencam that can rcord a video to be more specific. Since then I have found this new hobby on video editing. I am not saying that I am an expert or anything but what I can say about myself is that I have interest in it. However, back then, I don't even know how to blog in the internet. But now, I know that I can share my videos online in a vlog (video blog).

I will post most of my videos that i have done here and I will also blog along the way. Hope that you will like this vlog and come regularly. Please leave any comments as YOU can help me to improve this vlog.
