04 January, 2007

APCN2 Causes Internet Service Disruption in South East Asia

APCN2 Causes Internet Service Disruption in South East Asia
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Problems with the uderwater submarine cable APCN2 (Asia Pacific Cable Network 2) the past few days forced the Internet connectivity in some countries in Asia Pacific to a standstill.

I cant stream videos because f this.. I hope that they will do everything they can and back to normal soon..

03 January, 2007

Java Training for teenagers in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) in Perak, Malaysia

on November 2006, there was a program for teenagers to learn java programming language. The students came from various school around perak, Malaysia. It was held for about 2 weeks in Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP). This is a video made for the program. It was shown at the end of the program. http://videoraimi.blogspot.com

I've been busy lately and I am so sorry for the late post.. Anyways, I would like to announce that I have team up with a friend for a website..Click here

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