22 February, 2007

Busy week.. two more videos..

Its been a busy week. My Chinese new year holidays were dedicated to the new video order I got from last week. The video is ready now and it was for a farewell party . Great comments from the viewers and I want to thank a lot for those who have given me all the support. Here is a snapshot of the videos in progress..:) (I will post the videos in the next posts!)

Currently I am busy on a new wedding video for my lecturer..really like doing the video.... I hope I can finish it as soon as possible as I have many other thinngs to do..I dont know if I got the energy or not..


bijoux said...

oh ok..dok seri kembangan..pasni pindah subang eh.goodluck weh. soalan, ko wat video ni sbg keje sampingan ek.wat time keje ke?hehehe..sonok2..all the best!!

Remi said...

thanks Bijoux sbb datang.. benda video ni on demand, and bergantung pada aku punya availability..

masa aku dah ada day job ni lagi la susah aku nak siapkan video2 ni.. sangat penat sbnarnya.. huhu.. but I will try my best to deliver! yeah!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the owner of this blog. Ive enjoyed reading this topic.