The new Kamen Rider Den-O 2007! Henshin! The hero is a bit shy and weak characters.. when he Henshin(Transform), The creature ( a.k.a the Imagin) will give the hero super powers.. below are the Imagins.. Funny and interesting Characters!
You can watch the Kamen Rider Den-O Series (with Subtitles) at Youtube .. :)
A quick update for today. I have spent a whole day in PAsir Gudang to visit the FPSO Kikeh. FPSO stands for "Floating Production, Storage and Offloading", a common term for those who are in the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry.
The Kikeh FPSO
I am not familiar with the whole thing as my background is Information Syayems :) That is why I came to Pasir Gudang to see what is exactly an FPSO as to familiarize my self with it. More on FPSO in this link. ** Click here**
Here are a few pics that I manage to snap during the trip :
The Kikeh FPSO close up
On the FPSO Kikeh it self!
me! I think I look weird at that time, and I hate the Goggles, makes my head feel dizzy!
Okay, thats all about the trip. I got a few graphic design orders this week. I'd better get going! See U in the next post!
Hai, I was in Kota Tinggi last weekend, attending my Cousin's Wedding. The wedding was in FEL I did not take much pictures as me and my family have rush back to Subang Jaya that day. so here's the pics :
This is where the wedding (akad Nikah) was held.
We arrived early that morning.. Everything wasnt ready yet but the food. So me and my family got the chance to eat before anyone else (the guests).
I am not available tomorrow, I'm going to Pasir Gudang (Johor again!) for work.. I'll update if I have time..
Hope U enjoyed the post. see U again in the next post!
Hai, how have you been? it was a terrible week for e and alot of my decisions have a bad outcome..but life must go on.
I am going to my hometoen in Johor this weekend. I have promised to meet my grandparents and also attending a wedding ceremony for my cousin. So I am not available this weekend and any orders will be done by next week. Very sorry for that and I'll try to make it done As Soon As Possible. I hope U understand.
I'll tryto post some pictures. I hope my camera will be okay this weekend :)
Its been a very busy week for me.. As I told you in the previous posts, I am moving to a new address. Now, I am currently unpacking my stuff in my new home... it has been 2 weeks and I am still not finish unpacking..
for my friends n customers, I am sorry for my late reply to your emails.. I am trying as good as I can to deliver your orders..
Thanks for visiting my video blog.. I'll try to post fresh ideas into the blog.. but sometimes did not have enough time to post :P.. I'll be updating the blog from time to time..