04 April, 2007

the Funny version of myself

Hai, just tried playing with adobe photoshop and make fun of my own pic.. there U go.. I feel like its a 3D animation by Pixar Starring myself! :P


Mohd Ramzan Rozali said...

haha... lawak la ko buat camnie bro..

nice try :D

HafizChan said...

raimi...baru aku tau, google wireless jamban broadband tu 'April Fool' semata-mata. Ada dalam the star harini.

Celaka Google, wat April Fool. Siaow ahh.

Remi said...

April fool? siaw arrr!

Ramzan,. aku buat ni sbb terjumpa http://www.karikatur4u.com/

aku nak tau is it possible kita buat pakai photoshop...

Anonymous said...

Such a nice blog. I hope you will create another post like this.