11 February, 2008

I'm in a mess

I'm in a mess. My schedule is very tight. More responsibilities. and there's a lot of people is asking for my help on videos, graphics, etc2.. the worse part is I dont know how to say no...


eedany said...

Relax babe...

Jgn stress ok.

- said...

bz rpanya..
lma xcomment video..

work hard!

Remi said...

thanks Eedany and Syahir!

Anonymous said...

I am finally learning how to say NO, and I am 49 years old.....
It felt so good to tell someone NO the other day, because most things I did for free and people would complain instead of thank me.

JUST SAY NO !!! Explain you have a life and things to do for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Such a nice blog. I hope you will create another post like this.