When I first got my job, one of my problem is transportation.. My Office is situated in the middle of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia...
At first I want to use the public transport, but it took almost 2 hours and vast amount of energy out of me.. then I decided to ride my Motorcycle.. (KRISS 2) ... but the problem was, I have no helmet at that time..
So I cashed my savings for my new helmet, called the ARC Zitro.. You wont find this images in the internet...well not just yet when I posted this entry.. I think it would be nice for me to upload the pictures... :)
And since I'm a huge fan of Superman, I put a Superman Sticker on the back side of the helmet.. Nice eh? :D
At first I want to use the public transport, but it took almost 2 hours and vast amount of energy out of me.. then I decided to ride my Motorcycle.. (KRISS 2) ... but the problem was, I have no helmet at that time..
So I cashed my savings for my new helmet, called the ARC Zitro.. You wont find this images in the internet...well not just yet when I posted this entry.. I think it would be nice for me to upload the pictures... :)
And since I'm a huge fan of Superman, I put a Superman Sticker on the back side of the helmet.. Nice eh? :D
wasap bro. brapa harga helmet ARC Zitro ni ye?
hell0 br0..
nk mntk t0lg bli hlmet ni leh x?
kaler itam..
c0ntct sy..0134158523
cek kat mudah ade...baru lg rm 100
saya ada gak helmet ni.. tp nk tkr visor la. .ingt nk bli on9 je.. mlas nk g kdai..visor dia cmne eh?
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